Punk: (Q) " The deep Things of Jehover, what are they?
The Rebel (A) I am stamped. However I think if a poster can answer that correctly they deserve a Noble Prize, or perhaps more realistically an award for post of year.
The Rebel.
Punk: (Q) " The deep Things of Jehover, what are they?
The Rebel (A) I am stamped. However I think if a poster can answer that correctly they deserve a Noble Prize, or perhaps more realistically an award for post of year.
The Rebel.
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
Who ever gave me the red flag, THANKYOU, i agree and lesson learnt that when writing posts I should be sure they always come out in the tone intended.
The Rebel.
a recent thread i read about bethel " sending an old man packing" has bought to my attention it's one of many threads that show the most " loving" organisation in the world is cold and without love.. how can an organisation that is so unloving, have so many kind hearted people as members?.
this is the sincere question that i have not found an answer to.. the rebel..
Thanks for the reply "OneEyedJoe" ...however it should be noted these " kind hearted, honest people" are now displaying hatred to people's sexual persuasion, and not kindness to their own children's individuality. Also these kind hearted honest people look forward to the day " Jehover" destroys 99% of the population he created.
I love kind hearted and honest people :-)
The Rebel.
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
Heisenberg.O.P " would a loving creator give humans the gift of free will?
The Rebel, (A) .......Who knows?
But more to the point this is the second thread you have started in over a year
On your first thread you were " perplexed by the attitude of many on this site....."
You were " astounded" and wrote " when I hear of former JWs that now celebrate Christmas? .....You want the truth but then go back to the deepest, darkest pit of deception"
A year later you start your second thread, so a belated welcome and congratulations on your 4th post in 365 days, which read " I am amazed that they are creating these " music videos" The JWs have become what "we" we once loathed"
Personally I hope the music and the videos " you " once loathed may have played a part in comprehending the prejudice way the J.W organisation makes people think, which is an abuse of your / my " FREEWILL"
The Rebel.
a recent thread i read about bethel " sending an old man packing" has bought to my attention it's one of many threads that show the most " loving" organisation in the world is cold and without love.. how can an organisation that is so unloving, have so many kind hearted people as members?.
this is the sincere question that i have not found an answer to.. the rebel..
A recent thread I read about bethel " sending an old man packing" has bought to my attention it's one of many threads that show the most " loving" organisation in the world is cold and without love.
How can an organisation that is so unloving, have so many kind hearted people as members?
This is the sincere question that I have not found an answer to.
The Rebel.
asking this q because my own feeling about this is that he probably believed in god but his evolutionary thesis is used to support atheism.
how come?
Was Einstein an athiest?
The Rebel (A) Einstein was a genius, and there are not many of them.
Reading this thread it would appear conclusive that Einstein was a believer that became an agnostic. But what did the definition of an agnostic mean for Einstein when he wrote?:-
" The mystery of all things is insoluble by us, and I must be content to remain an agnostic" Einstein. How would his work and theories have been received at the time he presented them, if he had stated he was an athiest?
Anyway Einstein died April 18 1955, and at the time of his death he was athiest. I based this conclusion on a letter he wrote in 1954. This letter was sold back in 2012 on eBay for 3 million dollars, and addresses many philosophical themes including religion. The letter is conclusive proof that towards the end of his life he rejected the idea of a personal God.
The letter can be read on the Internet in its entirety.
The Rebel.
so, i know there are some from my congregation or from bethel who monitor my posts..... maybe you're looking for something to catch me out?.
just a question: rather than trying to find fault with me, have you stopped and looked into the issues or facts about the organisation that caused me to come to a place like this forum??.
facts are there for anyone to find nowadays....one just has to be willing to pull their head out of the sand.....
Unquestionably anyone monitoring a persons posts from a congregation or bethel, whose mind isn't opened by the exposure of false doctrine or whose heart isn't moved by the painstaking suffering the organisation has caused so many of its once loyal members, should question themselfs why?
The Rebel.
i miss you.
you were supposed to be a hope in bad times.
when i was in my darkest hour you weren't there.
But Phizzy, we must get past the anger of leaving and think in now to our death is not long....and I don't want to be an ex-witness with anger . Personally I now think when I die it is the end of my existence, so I think my revenge to the W.T is to loose my anger and disalusiment and enjoy learning to spell.......translation life is a happy famIly life which the W.T hasn't taken from me....but it was a long fight.
The Rebel.
i miss you.
you were supposed to be a hope in bad times.
when i was in my darkest hour you weren't there.
Punk.... That was such a sincere O.P.
I think we once bought into the idea of God, and we created or had created for us the character " JEHOVER" , and the less questioning we did about this creator the more he existed.
Punk once upon a time you replied to my O.P with a video of who I believe your real self is.That was a video of yourself as a punk rocker on stage ....now that is the punk who I like as a person, not the rebellious ex-witness who lost his faith in God....So what I am saying is in our society we don't need 2,3,4 or five sides to say " Dear God" exists or not, our life is more important than that...and PUNK, I think you are a great poster and the way I see it is the W.T society is like our mum and dad, they had a huge " negative" effect on my past, but not on my future ....
The Rebel :- Dear God, I am me and I may not be who you wish me to be, but I am me and Iam different from your Watchtower followers so I left them. I hope you exist and accept me for who Iam, but believing in you through the W.T interpretion has made me a unhappy person, so I have chosen to be me, and the W.T has made me believe you don't exist, but you are always welcome to reveal yourself to me...if not its your fault not mine"
The Rebel.
basically because they feel they are not being blessed.. this is not to say that all gb members feel this way.
the power hungry ones love getting the whip out.
the other members incorrectly look to the old testament for answers.. they are telling the sheep to be faithful, dedicated, self sacrificing, serving to the fullest, whole hearted and obedient.
DJS " The dark lords are following...."
The Rebel : D B " but the little green wheels are FOLLOWING me, Oh no not again...I never done good things, I never done bad things....I never did anything out of the blue....
The Rebel.